Cream with collagen for stretch marks. Cream for stretch marks during pregnancy: reviews. Cream rating for stretch marks.

We, to our great regret, are forced to state the fact that, from the appearance of extremely unaesthetic and unpleasant in all respects stretch marks - striae, almost none of the women in labor can be insured. But the thing is that such postpartum stretch marks are forced to appear due to such a strong stretching of the skin as during childbirth, from which certain tissues simply tear and completely lose their elasticity.

Temporary changes in skin color Possible swelling of the skin Possible scarring Potential infection. Chemical peels can improve the appearance of the skin by applying a chemical solution that causes blistering in the long run. This treatment option includes the use chemical substances, such as glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, lactic or phytoic acid, which are applied and lead to controlled wounds, which then become regenerated skin.

Chemical peels can be customized to allow the patient to work with the physician to determine the depth of chemical peel required. Possible deficiencies may include: temporary or permanent discoloration of the skin. Abnormal potential for pigmentation if the patient is using birth control pills or has family history frying on the face. The risk of scarring on the facial areas, as a rule, in people with a high degree of risk. for reactivation of herpetic ulcers in patients with a history of. This method can be used on deeper and older areas as well as new scars.

As a result, a woman observes red or just light pink sometimes bluish scars on her body, which most often form after childbirth. As a rule, stretch marks can appear on the stomach, on the hips of a woman, or even on the breasts of a new mother, which in itself is unpleasant. However, to our great happiness, such stretch marks or striae can and should be actively fought. But to really help us in such a fight can be special creams for stretch marks, which, in fact, were originally intended to solve such problems. In this publication, we would like to acquaint you with the most basic and most important rules and the principles of choosing the right and really effective creams for stretch marks. We will also try to explain in an accessible way how to apply such creams for optimal results.

The success of laser surgery depends on the results of various procedures within a few weeks. It usually takes an average of 6-8 laser therapy sessions because the desired results are visible. Lotions and creams for stretch marks are designed to be effective threefold, including.

Prevention Treatment of new stretch marks Uniform old rough stretch marks. . Cortisone creams are available and can work best on mild stretch marks as well as improve the appearance of the deepest stretch marks. Vitamin E is one of the most effective ingredients for a good stretch marks cream, helping to nourish the skin. An effective stretch mark cream has a number of ingredients that work in cohesion to produce the desired effects.

And we will start with the fact that all pregnant women are recommended to use such creams for stretch marks even before the onset of childbirth, directly during pregnancy, and as soon as your tummy starts to grow. And this is necessary for the healthy prevention of the formation of such stretch marks or striae. Note that already from the second or maximum third month of pregnancy, it is strongly recommended to use such creams for stretch marks daily, this is necessary so that your skin does not have a chance to lose its firmness or elasticity. However, it is important to note that in addition to using the best stretch mark creams, it is extremely important to remember to nourish your skin from the inside out. Moreover, in such an internal recharge, vitamins such as groups E, A and, of course, C can perfectly help you.

These include ingredients such as. Abrasion Physical elimination of superficial scars Hydration and collagen synthesis Ingredients of communicating cells Enzymes to repair damaged cells and scars Skin regeneration. Quality-focused cracking cream works essentially to smooth skin, plump pigmentation again, help reddish or silvery whites appearance and generally help to return the skin back.

What is the best option for you for stretch marks?

  • Excellent value for money and quality.
  • Easy access.
  • High potential for positive results.
  • It is not recommended to use them during pregnancy.
  • Possible discoloration of the affected area.
  • Not all stretch mark creams are the same.
Only you can decide which option is best depending on the situation. Laser treatments and creams appear to be best solution for the average person. Since not everyone can afford laser treatment, using an effective stretch cream with a solid reputation for positive results is a wise decision that can have great results.

Fish are very useful during this period, any protein foods rich in these vitamins and, of course, clean drinking water, without which, as everyone understands: "and not to go there, and not here." In general, in other words, the constant intake of specialized vitamins for pregnant women during this period of time, and even after the end of childbirth, can help a woman put her skin in order much faster. Moreover, we note that such nutrition is much more important than the use of any even the highest quality creams for stretch marks, however, it is also definitely not worth neglecting such cosmetic products. And therefore, let's figure out how to be able to choose the right cream for you that prevents the formation of stretch marks, as well as which of the components should certainly be part of the right cream.

Regardless, taking certain precautions throughout your pregnancy can make life a lot easier after birth. Stretch marks are small lacerations in the dermis layer of the skin and are often caused by rapid weight gain during pregnancy. During the third trimester of pregnancy, stretch marks are more common, which appear as red lines in the abdomen. To combat these symptoms, one of best practices is to adopt a healthy and balanced diet that maintains healthy and supple skin.

Just like after birth, staying hydrated during pregnancy is important for healthy skin and healthy child. Drink plenty of water and keep your skin healthy and happy. It is recommended to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, not only after pregnancy, but especially during these 9 months.

How to choose the highest quality anti-stretch mark cream?

You need to start with the fact that a really high-quality cream that prevents the formation of stretch marks can never cost a penny, as well as be sold in spontaneous markets or in kiosks near the metro. Actually, that is why, in order to be able to achieve the maximum positive effect, you will definitely have to lay out quite a decent amount of money. And believe me, this is perhaps almost the only drawback of quality creams for stretch marks. As for some cheaper but lower quality fakes and other dubious products such as creams for stretch marks from little-known dubious manufacturers, here a pregnant woman needs to be extremely careful not to get a lot of trouble.

Use the body brush

The body brush is an important tool to have during pregnancy because it helps not only to remove stretch marks, but also helps problem areas to prevent them by massaging them. Skin massage enhances circulation and circulation. The increase in blood flow also provides vital nutrients to maintain optimal health for your skin and your baby.

In addition to a healthy and balanced diet, the intake of vitamins and supplements can ensure that your body receives all the factors it needs to proper nutrition, which is necessary to maintain the health of your child and your child. Balanced, many times not quite realistic. We all have very busy lives and many of the foods we love have been fortified and modified. Fortunately, taking a multivitamin supplement containing vitamin C and E can boost the immune system and protect your skin.

After all, with such dubious means, in addition to the zero final result, you can easily earn a severe allergic reaction, or even worse, powerful dermatitis. Agree, when purchasing a product there is no questionable, and there can be no guarantees that it will actually contain natural ingredients. That is why we do not get tired of recommending that women buy creams for stretch marks only in trusted stores that have earned authority and recognition, or in pharmacies, at least in such places you cannot find a product illegally brought into Ukraine.

Vitamin C is especially important as it helps synthesize collagen and helps repair the scar tissue that gives your skin best view. Right after pregnancy, it is extremely important to keep your skin hydrated. There are many lotions specifically designed for stretch marks that contain vitamin E and other ingredients to keep the skin supple and soft. Cocoa butter is ideal for moisturizing the skin during pregnancy. Start treatment during the first trimester and you will see a difference in your skin after birth.

What exactly should be in creams for stretch marks?

Remember, most high-quality creams from necessarily contain retinol in their composition, this is an ingredient that can provide excellent regeneration and constant hydration of your skin. In addition, the composition of the correct cream that prevents the appearance of stretch marks should contain only natural extracts of medicinal herbs or essential oils of such herbs and plants. As a rule, the most useful in this situation are shea butter, jojoba oils and extracts, the universal component of mumiyo, etc. Such components can help activate or normalize blood circulation directly in the woman's skin cells, which is definitely necessary for the speedy recovery of such. Also, a useful cream for stretch marks must contain collagen, elastin, various vitamins and, of course, all known amino acids.

The final conclusion about stretch marks after childbirth

After these steps during pregnancy, it will be much easier to get rid of long-term effects after birth. Not only will you be happier and healthier, but your skin will thank you later in great shape and without stretch marks. Especially for always been real aesthetic problem, and hence a great opportunity for companies to create new and new products. Interestingly, sometimes it's really not necessary to help you deal with your problem.

You can think of the same as wrinkles, scars, and stretch marks, like little craters that need to be filled in so they don't stand out from the rest of the skin. Creams of this nature, if done well and with the right natural ingredients, can really do Good work, moisturizing the skin and making it more elastic. Elasticity is one of the keys to young, healthy skin.

It is extremely important to note that the right creams for stretch marks cannot and should not smell too harsh and fragrant or contain fragrances and fragrances. Aroma of the highest quality product, in this case should be neutral or, at most, very weakly expressed.

Also pay attention to the fact that directly on the label of such a cream for stretch marks there is a manufacturer’s mark saying that this product is “hypoallergenic” - after all, this can protect not only a pregnant woman, but also her unborn baby already during a full breastfeeding. feeding.

What are the most affected areas of the body where stretch marks can be obtained? It depends on one person per person and many other factors, but in essence we can say that most women or men who develop stretch marks can find this skin irritation on.

Stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy and the postpartum period

Arms and even armpits belly belly waist belt zone zone, usually under the navel of the thighs. In any case, let's talk about stretch marks on the abdomen in a little more detail. Are your stretch marks red? Many people get scared when they first notice that they have stretch marks, this is because stretch marks when newly formed are much more visible and due to the usually red or purple they seem deep enough. By touching the stretch marks, they can clearly see the small grooves that create them.

Note that experts unanimously recommend using probes of such creams for stretch marks if possible, or try using a cream that your girlfriend or acquaintance has previously used. This can be a great experiment and even a test of your personal sensitivity. After all, you will probably agree with us that it would be incredibly insulting to shell out a tidy sum for a branded cream for stretch marks, and at the same time it turns out that it is completely not suitable for you.

Since these scars are certainly not attractive, they lose their color intensity and become less noticeable. The color becomes quite white, and the depth of the craters is no longer significant. If you find stretch marks on your stomach or after pregnancy, the most common reason you're experiencing them is due to rapid weight gain over the past few weeks or months. On the other hand, much more common cause these skin blemishes is the period of time the child is expecting and in most cases the answer will be yes, but something needs to be done about it. and apply it every day on your stomach.

How to use creams for stretch marks?

Well, everything here is quite simple and banal: apply the cream only on clean, pre-dried skin (preferably immediately after a shower). It is advisable to apply the cream twice a day - meaning in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. It is necessary to rub the cream until it is completely absorbed into those very possibly problematic areas. And, of course, you can not neglect the instructions for such a cream.

Your skin will always have the necessary elasticity needed for your baby's growth and belly volume gain. There are also many other natural remedies which are shown below. Also known as strata, stretch marks are not harmful. Some men seem to be predisposed to stretch marks. In some cases, this may be due to a medical condition that causes their bodies to produce an excess of a hormone called a corticosteroid. In addition to rapid weight gain, corticosteroids can decrease the amount of collagen, a protein protein that keeps the skin elastic.

Which of the anti-stretch mark creams are considered the most popular among women today?

We will bring to your attention an approximate list of those creams that save women from stretch marks, which were able to get the highest scores in the opinion poll and which gave positive reviews women after their application.

We wish you good luck in such a difficult choice and, of course, excellent final results!

Stretch marks are common during adolescence when they have periods of rapid growth. This is not good for boys, because the appearance in those years is very important. Athletes training in gym leads to an increase muscle mass, this muscle increase tends to the skin and probably forms stretch marks, in fact we believe that stretch marks are very common in lifters for this reason. Weightlifting is another case where the skin undergoes rapid changes.

The same speech was made for the male in the female version. The same principle of weight gain applies to women during pregnancy and therefore up to 70% of pregnant women have stretch marks. They can also occur due to illness. These conditions include Cushing's syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, steroid hormone use, and sometimes diabetes.

After the birth of a baby, a woman notices an unpleasant defect that is noted on the skin of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. These are stretch marks after childbirth. They should not be taken as a pathological deviation - after all, striae do not harm health and are not a sign of illness.

A woman should not think of stretch marks as a deformity. After all, they remind you that a new family member has appeared. However, every woman wants to be beautiful not only internally, but also to shine externally.

Stretch mark treatment

You must consult your doctor. Tretinoin creams used to treat acne are believed to be effective for stretch marks. They are thought to work by increasing the amount of connective tissue in the skin and preventing existing skin from breaking down. Dermabrasion and laser treatments by qualified aesthetic surgeons can improve skin color and texture and help with stretch marks.

Stretch marks on the abdomen

Stretch marks can have a profound effect on men's behavior and self-confidence, so it's important to explore treatment options if you're feeling embarrassed or worried about your problem.

Do you have stretch marks on your stomach? Try These Home Remedies

Many people have stretch marks and are an annoying and very annoying problem and are also sometimes embarrassed to appear in public. Stretch marks have many causes, but there is one reason: the structure of the body has changed. Either she was big and she got small, or she was small and she got big, what could happen for a large number causes, including pregnancy, weight loss, illness, growth, or even adolescence hormonal problems.

Stretch marks (striae) are skin imperfections or scars. They appear in places of greatest stretching of the skin: abdomen, chest, thighs, buttocks. The woman's body does not synthesize enough elastin and collagen.

Stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth will have bright or dark colors- brown, red-brown and pinkish shades eventually turning into purple and white.

Factors affecting the appearance of stretch marks:

  • Heredity.
  • Big belly. fast zoom size leads to the fact that the skin can not cope with the load. Yes, stretch marks appear.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals leads to a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin.
  • A decrease in metabolism leads to a slow renewal of skin cells.
  • body constitution.

How to deal with stretch marks?

The best way to deal with striae is prevention. Skin care from the first months of pregnancy reduces the risk of postpartum stretch marks.

  • Application of oils and creams. Skin care allows you to increase its elasticity and firmness. This speeds up the process of cell renewal.
  • Wearing supportive underwear. It also allows you to get rid of the unpleasant consequences of stretching the skin special clothing. Supportive underwear is recommended from the 20th week of pregnancy.
  • Breast care. Includes air baths, hardening with pieces of ice, rubbing the skin with lemon.
  • Complete nutrition and weight control. It is required to develop a diet that includes all trace elements and vitamins. Meals should be at least 5 times a day, in small portions. Fried and smoked foods, salinity (to avoid swelling), coffee and sweet sparkling water, mayonnaise should be excluded.
  • Massage. Carried out regularly to prevent blood stasis and normal synthesis of collagen and elastin.

You can get rid of stretch marks that have already appeared by other methods.Salon procedures that will help eliminate stretch marks after childbirth:

  • Wraps. Professional cosmetologists offer a choice of ingredients for procedures - chocolate, essential oil, algae, extracts of medicinal plants. The client is offered hot or cold wraps. Such procedures are carried out in a course of 7-10 sessions. Wraps can be carried out at home.
  • Mesotherapy. The procedure can be carried out in 2 ways. The first is based on the injection, the second - on the surface application. The basis of this procedure is the active ingredient - serum. However, despite the fact that the injection is more effective, not everyone decides to do so because of the pain of the procedure. Therefore, in order to get rid of stretch marks, clients tend to apply external serum under the action of compressed oxygen.
  • Injections of oxygen with ozone. They allow you to increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin. They also start the regeneration process. Scars are filled with new cells - stretch marks narrow and become almost invisible to the eye.
  • Radio lifting. Based on the impact of an electrical impulse that penetrates the inner layers of the skin. It activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  • Peeling. This method allows you to get rid of stretch marks by using chemicals. The elements clean the top of the epidermis and start the process of regeneration of new cells.
  • Microneedling. The procedure is performed both in the salon and at home. This method is based on a cocktail of hyaluronic acid, collagen and plant extracts.
  • vacuum massage. The action of vacuum massage is based on the restoration of venous-lymphatic metabolism in tissues. The process of cell regeneration is enhanced, cells are renewed. Stretch marks narrow or disappear altogether.

Stretch marks can also be removed surgically:

  1. Excision of problem areas. Since stretch marks are more often localized on the abdomen, abdominal plasty is used. The procedure is carried out under anesthesia. The specialist excises the upper and deep areas of the skin. After plastic surgery, a scar remains. It is polished with a laser. This procedure is the only one that leaves no traces and completely eliminates the problem.
  2. Laser resurfacing. The laser “vaporizes” the upper part of the epidermis. A scar forms and then disappears. Laser resurfacing allows you to partially get rid of stretch marks.

Elimination of stretch marks at home

Solving problems with stretch marks at home includes a whole range of procedures. At the first appearance of stretch marks, you need to take immediate action.

Diet - effective remedy with which it is possible to prevent new stretch marks.

Do not think that the diet is based on a strict restriction of food. This is primarily a balanced, fortified diet with the necessary amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Such a diet will benefit the fetus and the mother's body. Hunger is categorically contraindicated for a pregnant woman! If such nutrition is observed, there is a uniform weight gain, which does not allow problem areas (stomach, hips, buttocks) to increase sharply.

Rubbing with oils. For high-quality moisturizing of the body and saturating it with vitamins, a mixture of oils is prepared - olive, almond, wheat germ, any essential. Vitamin E is considered the main component of such a cocktail, thanks to which the skin is restored.

Ethnoscience. At home, a cream for stretch marks after childbirth is used in the form of purchased or home-made products. Budget option against stretch marks is the use of mummy. One tablet of this remedy is triturated in 50 ml of ordinary baby cream. The resulting mixture is rubbed into problem areas. Store leftover cream in the refrigerator.

In addition, there are pharmacy options for cosmetic products. However, such creams and gels will cost more (Kontraktubeks, Avent, Venus). You should not completely hope that after using these tools, stretch marks will go away forever. Cream for stretch marks after childbirth will narrow the scars and make them lighter.

To make homemade scrubs use: ground coffee, essential oils, salt, sugar, honey. The prepared mixture is rubbed into the skin (for 10 minutes), then rinsed, and the body is dried with a towel. Finish the procedure with the use of cosmetic products - creams, gels.

Massage. This procedure is carried out at home or in the salon. At self-fulfillment it is necessary to take into account the features of the body - areas with areas of sagging skin should be massaged from the bottom up. Work out each zone in a circular motion counterclockwise. At the same time, essential oils are used to enhance skin regeneration, improve the outflow of blood and lymph.

Sports in the fight against stretch marks. To tone the muscles and make the skin toned, you need to engage in physical education. Before this, a woman should visit a doctor and find out about the state of health and the possibility of exercising at home.

During pregnancy, you can visit special sections. In addition, expectant mothers can exercise with fitball, swimming and yoga. However, it is necessary to introduce activity during this period of life only after a visit to the doctor. After childbirth, classes begin after 6-8 weeks (if there was cesarean section not earlier than 2.5 months). In addition, it is recommended to visit the fitness room, swimming, water aerobics.

The appearance of stretch marks indicates a failure in the body of a woman. However, do not give up. The main methods in the fight against stretch marks are the prevention of stretch marks, the use of cosmetic products, a set of procedures, wearing special underwear, good nutrition and an active lifestyle.

Useful video on how to remove stretch marks after childbirth

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