Child care from 0 to 1. Mandatory rules for caring for a newborn baby. If it hurts a lot

From the moment the baby is born, every mother tries to provide her child with the best best care, relying on the experience of grandmothers, girlfriends and acquaintances, extracting useful information from books, magazines, forums and so on. As for a baby, for a mother during this period, everything is new and incomprehensible, and we can say that they learn everything together, getting to know each other better and better, day after day, month after month, approaching the first serious age limit of the child - a year.

Baby care at 1 year, significantly different from the care of the first year of life, the baby is already able to move independently - crawl, take the first steps or even walk. React and understand speech, try to pronounce your first words, and later, closer to two years, when the child begins to speak confidently, you can already hear the first clear phrases from the mouth of your child. During this period, children try to learn and understand the world as best as possible, confidently distinguish objects, pictures, colors, sounds and intonations of adults, and also begin to realize and try to control their natural needs - for food, sleep, urination, etc. PTherefore, it often seems to parents that during this period it will be much easier for them to take care of their child, but this is not so.Every day the child acquires new skills, abilities and habits. He tries to imitate his parents in everything, copying their gestures, movements and facial expressions. Therefore, from now on, close people need to strictly control their words and emotions.

In time, you may come to be able to hear the difference between the screams and know what hunger means, which means bedtime and so on. How often they eat will depend on what they eat, how much of it they eat, and their own individual metabolism.

  • Know when to feed your baby.
  • Your baby will usually let you know when they need to feed.
  • Older babies often give indications when they are hungry, such as hand movements.
Remember what to feed your baby.

Babies will need to drink milk, whether from formula or breast milk. Try not to give them anything other than this, as this will likely make them sick or cause them to choke. They can eat baby food when they are a few months old, and as they begin to get teeth, you can introduce more solid foods.

Based on the acquired skills of the baby, a formula is formed consisting of individual elements learning in this process, by which, baby care 1-2 years, requires special attention.To bring up accuracy, composure and accuracy in a child, you need to accustom him to a certain daily routine. If before the year the baby has not yet met the potty, then now is the time to do it. It will not be superfluous to teach him to eat independently, to confidently hold a spoon, and eventually a fork. These skills will be very useful to the baby when applying for kindergarten.

Know how to feed your baby. You will need to choose between bottles or breastfeeding. Regardless of which method you choose, you'll need to make sure you're doing it right so your baby doesn't get an infection and lessen the chance of spitting out.

If you're feeding the bottle you'll have to choose between various types bottles. You may want to purchase simple, more economical bottles, or you may want to purchase more complex ones. Bottle liners can be purchased if you want to reduce the amount of laundry you will be doing, but you will be making more trash in return. Make sure you keep your nipple clean and free of any infections. Check with your doctor if you are taking any medications and check labels on over-the-counter medications. You will also want to eat for as long as possible, as you will be sharing these nutrients with your baby! While there are many acceptable feeding positions for any method, you may want to feed your baby in an upright position as this will help prevent spitting.

  • Breast-feeding incredibly simple.
  • After all, women were born to do it!
Get ready for the splash.

However, for each child, the learning process occurs differently for someone earlier, for someone later, but in any case, if the child does not have a severe congenital or acquired pathology, the baby will learn everything that is required of him. Therefore, do not despair if the child cannot pee on the potty, while his peers do an excellent job of this task.
The recommended time for potty training a baby ranges from 1 to 3 years, so you still have some time to spare. The main thing is that by this time the so-called psychological and physiological readiness for the desire to relieve one's need has fully matured in the child. And the rest is more a problem of parents with a children's pot than a problem of the children themselves.

The time of diapers, spitting up and helplessness is over, when the baby clumsily floundered in an attempt to reach the toy or take sitting position. And now, he is already briskly moving around the house, leaving traces of his creativity everywhere. Your baby has entered a new phase of his development - the beginning of the second year of life. He faces new challenges and temptations, to which he will stubbornly strive. And it doesn’t matter that not everything will turn out right away, the main thing is that your child will be able to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge, draw their own conclusions and learn from failures. This will form his character and ability to adapt to new circumstances, the ability to recognize and imitate everything that happens to be seen and heard.
In other words, a child of the second year of life, like a sponge, absorbs everything that happens around. And now parents should be especially responsible for everything that surrounds the child. His ability to reproduce sounds and movements enters the active phase, which brings a lot of joy to others, and even more delight to himself. He can already quite consciously do what he is forbidden to find out how narrow or wide the limits that parents are trying to establish. A desire for independence and independence awakens in him, despite the fact that he is still strongly attached and emotionally dependent on his mother. That is why at this stage of growing up the baby, parents sometimes have to resort to more strict parenting measures.

With all the seeming innocence that 1.5-year-old peanuts radiate, they tirelessly test their parents for endurance and strength of character, not letting them relax for a minute. They are attracted by new unexplored spaces that need to be explored in time. And they will fervently begin to defend their rights to independent walks around the house, pushing away the parental arms outstretched for their safety net. But at the same time, the baby is waiting for approval from you, looking for confirmation of his success, looking into your eyes. A child of the second year of life strikingly combines a tendency to independence and dependence on his mother. He can run far during the game, but he will definitely return periodically to make sure that his mother has not gone anywhere.

At this age, children are especially sensitive to parting and are afraid of losing their mother even for 5 minutes. A one and a half year old baby knows his mother's mood and clothes, remembers items related to her (bag, shoes, hairpin, etc.), and easily finds them at her request. This period is very good for visual teaching of the main forms of objects, their color, as well as their quantity. A child of this age unmistakably distinguishes native faces from the crowd, and it is enough for him just to see them nearby in order to feel safe and calm, continuing to do his own thing. He is easily attracted to household chores such as dusting, washing dishes or floors, and he will experience the delight of using a vacuum cleaner, feeling like a truly adult and independent. Therefore, parents will need maximum attention and praise for the young assistant so that he can feel really useful. This will further stimulate his love of work.

The sooner you start instilling in your child a love of work, the easier it will be for him to live in the future. Doing for him even those things that he is already quite capable of doing himself, you interfere with his full development and independence. Let your baby be more of a helper. At this age, it's time to teach him to use the potty and put toys in their place. This will make life easier for you and for him. Do not forget to praise the baby even for ordinary things that he knows how to do himself: eat with a spoon, drink from a mug without spilling, go up and down the stairs on his own. Remember your approval is like wings growing behind his back.

Something about the pot

Babies in the abdominal muscles are very weak at the beginning. So weak that sometimes it's hard for them to keep food there! Prepare to spit it out by always having handy rags to clean up the mess, keeping the bib on your baby when they're a little bigger, and generally with the rag placed in front of your mouth when you intend to burp them or move them shortly after. food.

You will need to watch out for a splash that is a color other than white or clear as this could be a sign of illness. Likewise, spitting up a lot or your baby not gaining weight are signs that would warrant a visit to the doctor. If you see this, take your child to the doctor. . Bear with the child. After your baby has eaten, you will want to burp them. They can easily swallow too much air while eating, and bubbles in the stomach will make them cranky and uncomfortable.

At the age of one and a half, changes occur in the child's sleep, now the baby sleeps once a day and so on until the age of 6. At the same time, it is important that the baby sleeps in a well-ventilated room, since healthy and sound sleep is important enough for the proper development of the body.

Children's food should be not only healthy, but also varied. Children older than one year eat four meals a day. After 4 years, the number of doses can be reduced to three times a day. It is already possible to include in their diet all the food that adults eat, except for fatty and spicy dishes.
One of the most important skills is children's hygiene. Teach your children to wash their hands before eating, to wash when they get dirty, to brush their teeth, and to keep their room clean and tidy.
Another important point is the development of the child's speech. To do this, parents need to pay more attention to their baby, learn poetry and tongue twisters with him, read a variety of books, and most importantly, be able to talk to him.
Daily routine, importance for the child.
  • Children love order. They willingly assimilate the rituals proposed by their elders and enthusiastically invent their own, because this helps them gain a sense of time, cope with childhood fears and find their place in a vast unfamiliar world.
  • By and large, all children's habits serve one purpose - to brighten up the separation from their mother. At about 1 year, the baby is aware of his own "I". This is very interesting and important discovery nevertheless, it gives rise to a lot of absurd, from the point of view of an adult, fears - the child is afraid of loneliness, darkness, strangers, he is afraid of being rejected or lost. That is why the baby so values ​​the society of the mother-protector and in his own way tries to overcome the anxieties associated with her absence: one enthusiastically sucks thumb, the other lingers on the edge of the blanket, and the third simply huddles in the corner, like a wild animal.
Parental rituals serve the same purpose: a lullaby, gentle stroking of the crown of the head, an obligatory bedtime story.
  • Daily routine is important for the baby. In order to overcome the changes that he experiences at an early stage of development, he needs confidence in the stability of some events. And this feeling of constancy will come to him gradually due to his daily schedule, certain actions taking place at the appointed time. Daily routine is not just a medical concept. This is an opportunity for the baby to understand how the world works.
  • A well-defined schedule for a child's day and repetitive activities during meals, baths, and bedtimes, such as kissing goodnight, give the child a sense of consistency and comfort.
  • Keep in mind that it will be easier for your baby to follow your rules if everyday activities that are not too favorite are alternated with something pleasant. For example, if the child knows that after a nap that he does not like very much, he will have a delicious afternoon snack or after brushing his teeth you will read his favorite fairy tale to him, then you will have less chance of arguing. Thus, taking part in the usual activities, the child will gradually begin to trace the chain of life events. At this age, he is not yet oriented in time, but the idea of ​​​​what things and in what sequence his day will be filled with will give him the necessary sense of control over his small world.
  • It is still worth observing a certain regimen because when a child regularly sleeps and is awake at the same time, eats and hardens, his body resembles a machine operating in a more economical mode. Such a machine wears out less, which means it lasts longer. Therefore, adhering to the daily routine, you prolong the life of the baby and give him a constant good mood.
  • Any mode can be quite flexible. It is not necessary to follow the schedule by the minute. Depending on the structure of the family and individual features the child's daily routine may vary, but it is important to observe the sequence of sleep, wakefulness, feeding and the intervals between them. In particular, 3.5-4 hours should elapse between feedings. It is important that your baby gets used to the established routine of the day.
  • As the child grows older and the need for longer wakefulness increases, the regimen should be gradually changed.
Baby's need for sleep:

The baby needs just as much sleep as before. The duration of night sleep is 10-11 hours. Before his second birthday, the baby should sleep 2-3 hours during the day.

Position the child so that it moves slightly over the shoulder, and then pat them firmly on the back. This will help release the air and make your child very happy. Watch out for gas. If your child seems very unhappy and you can't find any other reason, they are probably gassy. Help them work the gas out of their system by placing them over their knees on their stomachs and lifting them slightly with the butt. Pat them on the back and extend your hand down to help work the gas; gravity will do most work.

A soiled diaper will smell, so it's easy to tell when it's time for a change. Wet diapers can be a little tricky. Set a timer and make sure to at least check their diaper every two hours. If you notice that it gets wet before then change it. A child should never be left in a dirty diaper for long periods of time as this can lead to a wide range of health problems. Besides, it's not very safe for you! Very full diapers bleed and you probably don't want poop in your carpets.

  • Know when to change your baby's diaper.
  • This part won't be too difficult.
  • If your baby's diaper is full, change it!
  • If your baby's diaper is wet, change it!
Understand how to change your baby's diaper.

At 12 months he will still need 2 naps, but by 18 months he may be ready for one 1.5-2 hour nap. He can follow this regimen up to 4-5 years.

Set sleep time:

It is important to teach your baby to fall asleep on their own.

Come up with a family ritual. The fact is that the onset of night for the baby always means parting with the family and loneliness, so the child is so eager to delay the farewell kiss. More pleasant moving to bed will make the daily repetition of evening activities: brushing your teeth, reading a fairy tale, laying toys, singing a lullaby.

Changing diapers is very easy, but if done incorrectly, a lot of problems can arise. Leaks, chafing, and pinching can result from improper fitting. Follow a few simple recommendations to make sure you keep yourself clean and your child happy.

Don't leave them unattended in this area for any period of time and try to always have at least one hand on them so they don't roll away. Place the dirty wipes in the diaper and then lift the baby's lower body up to the ankles and pull it out from under them. Roll it up and throw it away. Take out a fresh diaper, open it fully, and then insert it into the desired position. Make sure it is facing right direction. Close the diaper and make sure the elastic around the legs fits properly and is not too tight or pinching your baby.

  • Place the baby on the changing area, on the back.
  • Open a dirty diaper, but do not move away from there.
  • Wipe baby thoroughly with wet wipes.
  • Do it the same way you cleanse yourself.
Diaper fight.

In a year, the baby already knows how to sit, stand, walk, respond to his name, know up to five words, follow the established daily routine and have basic household skills, so it often seems to parents that during this period it will be much easier for them to take care of their child, but it is not.

A diaper rash is a common skin irritation that occurs when a baby's skin fails to dry, rubs too hard with a diaper, or when your baby has other health problems. This is often due to not being changed enough or not having a diaper that is too small, although diapers are easy to get and you shouldn't feel bad if your baby gets one.

Deal with diaper diapers with appropriate creams or powders at your child's diaper change and change their diaper as soon as it becomes soiled. Make sure your baby's diapers and clothes fit, keep an eye on diet or foods, and remember that antibiotics can make your baby susceptible to diaper rash. Seek help if the rash has not healed after a few days. . Bathe your child. Babies don't sweat like adults and therefore don't need to be bathed as often.

Every day the child acquires new skills, abilities and habits.. He tries to imitate his parents in everything, copying their gestures, movements and facial expressions. Therefore, from now on, close people need to strictly control their words and emotions.

To bring up accuracy, composure and accuracy in a child, you need to accustom him to a certain daily routine. If before the year the baby has not yet met the potty, then now is the time to do it. It will not be superfluous to teach him to eat independently, to confidently hold a spoon, and eventually a fork. These skills will be very useful to the baby when making out.

Give them a bath once a week or after a particularly bad diaper. Use products labeled for babies and bathe them in a sink or baby bath. Never leave them unattended when they are in the water. The sponge bathes babies until their umbilical cord falls off and no circumcision is healed. Don't forget to brush your teeth. Babies may not have teeth, but once they're a few months old, you can start brushing them anyway. This will stimulate their gums and may help stimulate teething.

In a year and a half, changes occur in a child’s sleep, now the baby sleeps once a day and so on up to 6 years. At the same time, it is important that the baby sleeps in a well-ventilated room, since healthy and sound sleep is important enough for the proper development of the body.

Children's food should be not only healthy, but also varied. Children older than one year eat four meals a day. After 4 years, the number of doses can be reduced to three times a day. It is already possible to include in their diet all the food that adults eat, except for fatty and spicy dishes.
One of the most important skills is baby hygiene.. Teach your children to wash their hands before eating, to wash when they get dirty, to brush their teeth, and to keep their room clean and tidy.
Another important point is the development of the child's speech. To do this, parents need to pay more attention to their baby, learn poetry and tongue twisters with him, read a variety of books, and most importantly, be able to talk to him.

Get children's toothbrushes, which are basically rubber brushes, and brush their gums gently every few days. Each child will have their own natural sleep rhythm that you will learn over time. Try to accommodate it and plan your own sleep schedule as much as you can. Your child may need help falling asleep, so know some basic ways to help your child. You can hold the baby in your arms or on your shoulder, or walk with them, or rock them in a chair. Babies respond well to repeated sounds, so make yell sounds or you can sing their lullaby. Understand swaddling. Swaddling is the method of wrapping a baby in a blanket to keep them from moving. While this may seem strange to an adult, it is very rewarding for a child as it makes them feel safe. It will also make them not surprised if they move in their sleep. No one really understands what causes it, and one wonders if it exists at all, but there are several practices that appear to be associated with death. Avoid these and your child should be fine: Protect your child by always putting them on their back on their back. Do not put a pacifier in your baby's mouth. Use a branded mattress in your baby's crib. Remove soft or fluffy bedding and stuffed animals. This will allow your child to see the activities around them, as well as a comfortable place to fall asleep if they get tired during the day. Try to get seats that bounce in response to your child's movement and swings that can swing on their own. Let your child play with toys. Once the children are old enough to hold the items, you can give them toys. Get matching toys they can put in their mouth as this is baby's favorite way to play! Toys that make sounds or have lights are especially interesting for your child. It's easy to make lots of toys that your child can play with with the objects you find around the house. You don't need to spend a lot of money. For example, you can link a bunch plastic bags into a clean sock so you have a soft ball that gets frazzled when you squish it.

  • Remember when your baby is sleeping.
  • Babies often sleep a lot, but not for very long.
  • Know how to put your baby to sleep.
  • Sit with your child in the children's swings and seats.
  • This will help keep the baby while you are doing everything.
  • Just don't leave them unattended!
Sing to your child.

Physical development in children is great importance in the first six years of life. It is necessary to teach the child to do exercises in the morning, play various outdoor games with him, and also instill a love for hardening. For active children's recreation, you should buy balls, sleds, rubber bands, hoops, jump ropes, skis and skates, because movement is life.

Sing a lot of songs to your child. This will make them very happy, help the two of you bond, and also help their brains develop. Sing songs you like or children's songs you know! You will create memories to last a lifetime if you choose a song just for the two of you.

Read with your child. Read your child a lot of books. This will fit them into the idea of ​​reading early on and help their brain develop by exposing them to the rhythm and sounds of the language. Make your reading interesting by moving your hands around the page and using your "captivating" voice.

All these and other examples of child care after a year are described on our website. Here you will find many useful tips on the topics: what to do if a five-year-old child pees in bed very often at night, accidentally swallowed an AA battery, constantly eats sand in the sandbox, or fights and bites for no reason. The site also has many instructive articles, for example, how to teach a child to blow his nose, brush his teeth or eat with a spoon.

If you follow these simple rules, then caring for a child after a year will remain for you not burdened, but rather a pleasant experience.
