Posters for meeting a newborn. What is the best gift to give to a friend or relative for discharge from the hospital?

The birth of a new person becomes a huge holiday for his parents and people close to them. Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate the newly-made mother and newborn baby on a new stage in their lives. And, of course, everyone wants the gift to be memorable, necessary and practical. What can you give mom and child on this occasion? What is appropriate to give to a friend, and what to a colleague or distant relative?

How to choose a gift

First of all, the husband and guests of the woman in labor should understand that the moment of discharge from the hospital is not the most best time for giving gifts. During this period, the woman is still too weak after childbirth, busy with the chores of the baby, collecting things and wants to be home as soon as possible. Therefore, it is best to come to the discharge with a bouquet of flowers or an armful of colorful balloons. At the same time, it is desirable that the baby is not at a close distance from the flowers in order to exclude a possible allergic reaction to the pollen of flowers. Therefore, it is better to check with sellers when buying which flowers are the least allergenic. But it would be better to give the main gifts to a woman after she gets home and has a rest. The team of doctors and midwives can be thanked with a box of chocolates and a bottle of champagne.

Close relatives can check with the mother what is best to give her about the birth of a child. It can be something from the cherished dreams or something that will help care for the baby. More distant relatives and friends usually give universal gifts that are always relevant for families with small children. In general, today, when choosing a gift, an option that is widespread in Western countries is increasingly used. Young parents make a list of things that they will need to care for the baby, and those who want to congratulate the family on the replenishment choose from this list what they can buy as a gift. This avoids duplication of gifts, when the same item (for example, a stroller or car seat) is given by several people at the same time. In addition, this approach will save you from unpleasant situations when a gift, for certain reasons, cannot be used and turns out to be unnecessary, for example, diapers that do not fit the baby, or a suit that is too small.

When choosing a gift, try to give preference famous brands well established in the market.

Avoid Chinese fakes from low-quality materials that can be hazardous to the health of the baby.

gifts for mom

Here are some gift ideas that new moms will love.

  • Frame. Perhaps there are no parents who would not want to capture the most touching moments in the life of a baby. Therefore, the family will great amount pictures of a sleeping, eating, crying, smiling, and so on crumbs. In order for these pictures to please the eye, you can give your parents beautiful frames where they put the photo of the baby. A memorable and functional gift will be a large photo album, on the cover of which your congratulations will be written on the occasion of the replenishment of the family. You can give a digital photo frame, which is a more modern gift, but also more expensive.
  • Original box. Parents will be able to store a tag from the maternity hospital, a plaster footprint of a newly born baby and other cute little things in a special box.
  • Mini nanny. An audio or video system for monitoring the baby will allow the mother to calmly do household chores or relax, without worrying that the baby woke up and whimpers. Now mom will know at any time what her baby is doing in the next room at that time.
  • Scales for the baby. Young mothers who are breastfeeding a child very often worry about whether the baby has enough milk, whether he is full. Sometimes such experiences can affect lactation. In order for a woman to control the growth and development of a child, home scales will become an indispensable gift. It will be especially relevant for those families where there are premature babies, since weight gain in such babies should be monitored daily.
  • Baby changing table. You can, of course, swaddle the baby on the couch, but this is an extra burden for the mother's back. Moreover, on a special table there is a place for jars of powder, massage oil, which will facilitate the process of caring for the baby.
  • You can give a close friend or sister underwear for nursing mothers, slimming underwear to restore the figure after childbirth.

gift for baby

Although the newborn baby will not yet be able to realize the essence of the gift, however, they will be able to emphasize his personality and express his love.

  • Bath towel with a hood. So how to bathe small child If you have to very often, then such a towel will be a very relevant gift. Moreover, for the first time after discharge from the hospital, several of these towels may even be required so that for the period of washing and drying one, you can wrap the baby in a replacement one.
  • Baby blanket, envelope for winter walks. Such a gift can also come in handy in two copies, so that while washing a soiled blanket, do not deprive the child of the opportunity to breathe fresh air.
  • Cloth. Various overalls, dresses, "little men", undershirts and other items of children's wardrobe should be sewn only from natural fabrics, not have internal seams, labels, be practical style. Neither babies nor their parents like clothes that should be put on over their heads, so you should choose the most comfortable things.
  • Mobile. The rotating toy wheel above the crib will keep the baby occupied and give mom the opportunity to take time household and your own health. There are a lot of options for such a toy, there are models with lighting and music.
  • Spoon made of silver, can be complete with a glass. Quite expensive, but very useful gift. Silver ions eliminate pathogenic microbes and bacteria, so such dishes will strengthen the health of the crumbs, and especially his teeth.
  • car seat. If the family has a car, then at the same time as the birth of the baby, you should purchase a car seat of the appropriate size. Now, during any trip, whether it is to the clinic for a check-up with a pediatrician or visiting grandparents, the baby will be reliably protected in case of unforeseen situations.
  • Stroller. The stroller can be multi-season, folding, with or without shock absorbers. The choice of a stroller depends primarily on the financial capabilities of the giver, since the range of models is very wide.
  • Cot. It is desirable that the crib be made of natural materials, make it easy to take the baby in your arms, and at the same time, do not give him the opportunity to be injured during the absence of parents. It is advisable to buy it without an alcove or a canopy, since the dust that accumulates there will enter the baby's lungs.
  • Toys. Toys should be bought according to the age of the baby so that they do not pose a danger to him, and at the same time are not dust accumulators.

What not to give

There are a number of gifts that may not be necessary. In order not to get into a mess, let's get acquainted with their list.

  • Those women who intend for a long time breastfeeding your baby, will not give your baby bottles with nipples or pacifiers. Therefore, such things should be given after agreeing on this gift with mom, otherwise it may be unclaimed.
  • In the first period after discharge from the hospital, you should be very careful with gifts like perfumes, deodorants, scented cosmetics, which can cause allergies in the baby.
  • Contrary to popular belief that diapers are best gift, in practice this is not entirely true. Many people believe that the choice of diapers depends only on the weight of the child, so they give huge packages, believing that they are never superfluous. Pampers, indeed, are consumed very quickly, and therefore are always needed, however, before purchasing them as a gift, you should make sure that this model is suitable for the baby. It is believed that some models of diapers are more suitable for girls, while others are more suitable for boys. In addition, due to individual features a child may not like a certain model. Therefore, it is better to clarify with parents the preferences of the baby on this issue before buying a large pack of diapers. Or give a small pack so that mom can try whether such diapers are suitable for her baby.
  • Giving money for the birth of a baby is somewhat primitive and unoriginal. However, if a friend is not against such a gift, or even offers a similar option herself, then it will greatly facilitate the selection process and save time.

Of course, the process of choosing a gift is always very complex and responsible. It is also important what flowers should be presented to the mother upon discharge from the hospital, and what can be presented to a tiny man so as not to harm his health. But if it will be very difficult with ideas, then it is better to discuss the gift with young parents first. Then it will definitely be useful and necessary.

A miracle happened, a child was born. And immediately the question arises of what to give for discharge from the hospital. For creative people the solution to this problem will not be difficult. But it happens that a person is simply confused with happiness, and there is not a single thought that can be given. Let's figure it out together what gifts and to whom are perfect for discharge.

The average doctor's family thanks money. The nurse carrying the baby is presented with a bouquet and a box of chocolates, while the medical staff gets champagne and sweets. But it is possible to diversify these statistics. Most often, the doctor likes the gift, you can’t really think of anything here. But you can make him happy. Make a medal with the inscription "honored stork". It is better to please the rest of the medical staff with fruit bouquets, it is much healthier and more creative. If there is a great desire to surprise the workers of the maternity hospital, you can give everyone letters of gratitude and wishes for a good life and work.

Recently, gratitude has been practiced to the doctor of the antenatal clinic, leading the entire pregnancy until childbirth. Everyone gives something from the heart: a bouquet beautiful flowers, a box of good expensive sweets, champagne or money. But you can thank people in a more original way. A fruit basket would be a great gift. Also, as an option, bouquets and various figurines of balloons. It looks interesting and festive, and champagne sweets no longer surprise anyone, doctors have reviewed millions of such gifts in their careers.

Wife Surprise Ideas

Beloved wife has become a mother and, like no one else, wants some kind of warm welcome at home with an unexpected holiday and gifts. A new mother is in dire need of care and love. Prepare a festive meeting at home. For example, you can hang a lot of balloons from the ceiling with hanging ribbons that will beautiful inscription Thank you for your son/daughter.

When discharged from the hospital, you should give a chic bouquet of your favorite flowers to your wife. If you have your own car, you can decorate it too. Let everyone know that you really have a long-awaited holiday. A young mother will be happy from her husband's efforts to make such a wonderful surprise for his wife on discharge from the hospital. You can also give your wife a certificate of a young mother for a quiet first night with a baby at home. And be sure to fulfill the promise by getting up on your own that night to the awakened baby. This will greatly support the young mother, show her husband's love and his willingness to help in everything.

If possible, you should also give valuable gifts to your wife. Often, new mothers do not feel very attractive, and such gifts show that the husband still appreciates his wife and is always ready to shower her with gifts.

Gifts for a newborn

Let's figure out what to give for discharge to the child himself. The baby is still quite small and does not need gifts. But if there is an impulse to make a gift, then why not try it. You can give a gold chain and give it to your parents for safekeeping. When the child grows up, they will give the owner his treasure.

A good gift for a girl would be small gold earrings. The time will come, and her ears will be pierced, and the earrings will already be waiting for this moment. Conscious dads can make a great gift for their daughter or son by starting to save money in a separate account from the moment the child is born. And one fine day to give the accumulated amount to the rightful owner.

Grandparents can give the child some cute costume, rattle or educational toy. Other relatives and friends before buying a gift can discuss the need for this or that thing with the child's parents. Thus, you can avoid acquiring an unnecessary item or repeating a surprise that has already been presented. Close girlfriend mothers can congratulate the newborn with some cute soft toy or a beautiful suit.

A useful gift for a baby would be a carousel on the crib or a children's night light with a gentle soothing melody.

Gift ideas from close friends

How interesting it is to congratulate a friend on the birth of a child and discharge! On the day of discharge, you can come in the morning under the windows of the desired ward with posters and a baby made of balloons, or meet them right at the exit. Friends can congratulate young parents with medals of honor or diplomas with the title of "Creators".

You can congratulate your friend with a diaper cake. You can try to make such a gift yourself or turn to skilled needlewomen. There is an option to design such a gift in the form of a stroller, a boat or a large snail. If you order such work, women will tell you how else you can arrange a gift. A great surprise option is twisted diaper lollipops, where a baby spoon serves as a stick. You can watch a master class on creating and twist such a “sweet bouquet” on your own, or you can turn to craftswomen for help.

Recently, an embroidered cute picture with the name of the baby and the date of his birth is gaining popularity. This gift will be a great decoration in a child's room. Another interesting gift would be a beautiful baby album for the first year of a baby's life. Such albums can be purchased in special stores or ordered by hand. Real scrapbooking looks brighter and more festive than store albums. Besides, in handmade can be used different techniques and materials, when as store albums are made mostly of paper and cardboard.

Discharge from the hospital is a small and at the same time such a big celebration. After all, there is nothing more beautiful in a person's life than the birth of his blood baby. And no matter how young parents would like to hide their little “ball of happiness” from the whole world, the closest and dearest people, relatives and friends, rush to meet them. And, I suspect, since you are on this page, then you are one of them.

In fact, you will become witnesses of the first main holiday not only of the long-awaited crumbs, but also of the family as a whole. And on a holiday, as a rule, I want to present a gift. From the heart and for a long memory!

What to give? After all, you want a special gift for such a special occasion.

Of course, even the usual options can be treated with imagination.

So, as you know, Natural flowers you need to give with caution, because they can cause an allergic reaction not only in the baby, but also in the mother, in whose body everything is being rebuilt. You can come up with an alternative, for example, order or do it yourself balloon flowers. Just make sure they don't have a strong rubber smell. You can certainly consider the option of flowers from sweets and soft toys, but keep in mind that they are also not particularly needed and useful for a nursing mother and her baby.

IN Lately popular diaper gifts. It seems to be the right thing to do, and you just don’t want to give a package, so a lot of ideas appeared to diversify the gift. These are cakes, strollers, cars, booties, baskets, bears, bouquets, castles, bicycles, snails, sweets and a bunch of everything that fantasy is enough for. By the way, do not forget that diapers should be "for growth" and from a quality manufacturer.

It is also popular to give casts of arms and legs , after all, children grow up quickly and you won’t have time to blink, so there is nothing more pleasant even after years to touch your baby’s small arms and legs again. The most maximally exact copy can make special invited person doing it. It's not hard to find it on the internet. The main thing is that he will not only beautifully pack the “little memory”, but will also be able to arrange it in a photo frame. If you need a simpler option, you should purchase ready-made kits for creating casts. In principle, leave traces of arms and legs as a keepsake possible at home(You can read more about this on the Internet). But this is only relevant if you get home to young parents and organize the process, because they certainly won’t find time for this.

Of course, any parents want to capture their baby as helpless and tiny as in the neonatal period. per century modern technologies it’s not difficult, but sometimes you want a little more than a photo on a home soap box or, more often, a phone. Give them certificate for a professional photo shoot. It is up to you to find a photographer in advance, specify the approximate time frame and set the parents themselves to be positive. Some lovely people will help you with this. accessories for a photo shoot: hats, booties, headbands, toys, suits, etc. Of course, this is a rather expensive pleasure, and many couples dream of it, but they leave the question open. At first, they are afraid to think of something in advance, and then they completely forget about this possibility in the turmoil of affairs and emotions. But believe me, they will be grateful to you for such a memory - especially after a while!

If suddenly a photo session is already pre-planned and ordered, you can think about interesting accessories at a higher price. For example, order photo printing on t-shirts parents and their baby (the latter can also be on a bodysuit, for example) with funny pictures or inscriptions. Alternatively, you can make a memory family football team. There is nothing nicer than to see such friendly "footballers" different ages not only in the photo, but also somewhere on the street!

In any case, photographs taken even with a phone, even with a professional camera, will please the eyes of the whole family for a long time and literally “look to the holes”. Help here - Photo album . It is better to choose with thick sheets without inscriptions, so that when filling out, the mother can not only sign the photo, but also describe her own memories, emotions, and even circle her baby's fingers. There are separate albums for girls and boys. They have ready-made lines for my mother's notes and observations, but there is already much less space for photographs, of which there are so many accumulated. Although these gifts are not entirely original, there are never enough of them, especially in our time with an abundance of memorable pictures.

For especially favorite photos (which of course will be) you can give photo frame . Their choice is huge, but more interesting (and really more expensive) wooden or digital frames. The first ones can even be made for an individual order - with the desired number of photos, with a name (if you already know it for sure) or family name, in a specific color and individual plan. It will be not only a chic addition to hearth but also the first personal relic of a young family. Digital frames, on the other hand, allow you to regularly update photos and play them in the form of a slide show, which always attracts and pleases the eye. In principle, with a strong desire, a frame for photographs can be made and with my own hands . This will add even more personality and soul to the gift!

If you want to give something specifically for the baby, you can of course stop at clothes. But be careful, as practice shows, not all clothes are actually comfortable and necessary, and there is still a risk of miscalculating with the size. For example, a summer thing donated for growth, by the summer immediately turns out to be either already small or too large, as a result it becomes superfluous. You should also be careful with household items for the baby: nipples, bottles, creams, shampoos, etc. Here you can also guess. Believe me, even young parents are not yet aware that in the end their child will love, and what he will not like and will not suit. Leave these "pleasant" chores to them and better give the baby something that is definitely necessary - something from the series "and a couple is not enough." Let it be colorful mobile for the near future, development mat later or educational toys . Believe me, there are not enough of them! After all, even if some of the above crumbs have already been prepared, he will always be delighted with new impressions. And the choice is so huge that it is quite difficult to choose a similar one.

Here are some options to help parents:

  • radio or video babysitter (relevant in a multi-room apartment or house);
  • car seat(for parents with a car);
  • humidifier(obligatory thing in the house where there is a child);
  • pillow for feeding (a thing that you often cannot buy for yourself, but once you try it, you will understand what convenience is. Relevant for mothers who are breastfeeding. It also serves as a limiter for still lying babies);
  • sterilizer(required item for artificial feeding, but in any case it will not be superfluous);
  • changer and etc.

Another pleasant help for mom and dad will be sling. In the warm season, he may well replace the stroller. It will be comfortable for the baby to always be next to his mother, and it will not be difficult for her to feed him at any time. The sling is convenient not only on the street, but also at home. After all, what could be better? To be constantly next to the child and at the same time do everything around the house.

Another interesting device that makes life easier for new parents is fitball. Yes, yes, that big ball that looms in gyms. It's strange that not all moms put it on their baby shopping list yet. Firstly, it is an excellent rocking center. Having scolded the grown up and strengthened baby on the handles, you understand what happiness it is to just sit on the ball with him and jump. Secondly, it is the most effective way strengthen all the muscles of a growing child at home (massage options and exercises with a baby on a fitball are full on the Internet). And thirdly, he will quickly help his mother return her figure to its previous forms.

What else to please the family with replenishment? Yes, do not believe it, even if it is trite, but annual(well, or let it be good) stock of baby laundry detergent would definitely please. Would you be surprised? Absolutely! But then they will say thank you when they realize that the powder in the house does not go anywhere, that no one eats it up, but just a child appeared in the house who categorically does not want to be friends with cleanliness.

Also pleasant surprise will become certificate to a children's store or pharmacy . This is the case when everything is in the house, or it is chosen with special care at its own discretion.

And if, in your opinion, a gift for discharge is not important, you can be original and give surprise box . To invest in it whatever your heart desires for the baby, for the mother, for the whole family, for the present, the future and for any amount of money that is comfortable for you. The more pleasant “little things” there are in this box, the more interesting it will be to consider it. Inside you can put a nice postcard with wishes, and the box itself can be beautifully packaged. I am sure that such a gift will not leave anyone indifferent! And if you still can’t figure out what you can fill the box with, I hasten to tell you ... These can be:

If you think that for such an important occasion as the birth of a baby, gifts are something to be expected, just give impressions and emotions that the heroes of the occasion will remember and carry through the years. What could it be? flashmob, guest musicians, dedicated song , drawing on asphalt etc. Just keep in mind that your gift should be short-lived (because the baby may not want to wait) and not loud. After all, it is near the maternity hospital that one can understand the meaning of the expression “in happiness there is silence.”

As you can see, there are enough ideas for a gift, and perhaps something else will come to your mind. But before deciding, it is important to make sure that the young family really needs it. As a last resort, it is better to ask directly what to give, so as not to miscalculate. And even in this case, do not forget to show a little imagination and originality, because the occasion is so special! 😉
